Privacy/Data Protection Policy/Rules
On 25 May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force across the EU. The new regulation gives individuals more control over their personal data. All data processing by EAVA is done under the principles of the effective GDPR.
GDPR Principles
The principles of data protection under the GDPR are in summary as follows:
For more information on data protection click this link.
How and what data are used by the EAVA
Use of personal information for membership administration
EAVA holds your personal data for the purposes of administering our contract with its members to manage the membership, as per Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation. EAVA holds records electronically and/or on paper to confirm you are a member, including your start date, payment amount and contact details including work address, including checking from time to time that the data we hold about you is correct. If an email address has been provided EAVA, it will use it to contact its members to manage membership, and if not, EAVA will use the postal mail address. The phone numbers and home address (if provided) will only be used in the event t is not possible to reach contact by other means.
Use of personal information for marketing
EAVA keeps members informed of its events (workshops, congresses, meetings etc.) in Europe and globally, and of events held by its members or sister organisations (WAVA etc.). EAVA does not assume participation in these events by members. EAVA may also inform members of non-EAVA events, if it considers such events relevant and of interest to the anatomical community. In this case, it will send you links or flyers to such events, rather than passing members personal data to organisers. This would never be done without prior member’s consent.
EAVA Events
EAVA will hold member’s personal data for the purposes of administering contract with members and non-members when attending a EAVA events, e.g. scientific meeting, as per Article 6(1)(b) of the General Data Protection Regulation. EAVA will hold records electronically to confirm you are an attendee, to manage payment, and for general information and functioning of the Event. If you have given EAVA an email address it will be used to contact members to administer the contract with the member to attend the Event, and if not, EAVA will use your postal mail address.
Subject Data Access Requests (SDARs)
If a member wishes to know what data EAVA holds for them, they can apply in writing to the membership secretary at secretary@eava.eu.com who will be able to check this.
Right to be forgotten
It is standard procedure to retain personal data records for some time after an individual either ends their membership or attends an EAVA event as a non-member for example, to allow for administration, archiving for financial records and to allow us to respond to any retrospective queries which arise. However, if an individual (member or non-member) wishes to end their contract with EAVA and wishes for their data to be deleted completely, they can apply in writing to the membership secretary at secretary@eava.eu.com who will be able to organise this.
Changes to the privacy/data protection policy
We may change our policy from time-to-time to reflect any changes to legislation or with best practice. Any future revisions will be communicated to the members.